
Planning to visit Kigali? Whether you are looking for interesting things to do in Kigali such as attractions and activities or events to attend? Kigali city guide is here to offer you all information about Kigali and other near and far towns and villages. Kigali city guide has the latest events not to miss while you visit Kigali – there’s always something going on, so don’t miss out on the latest exhibitions, shows and more on your trip to Kigali, Rwanda.

Well, for you to easily access Kigali and from oversees you can go with any of the international flights that operate in the country and these include the Rwandair, Ethiopian Airline, Qatar Airline, Emirates, Kenya Airways among others. Then those from the neighboring like Democratic Republic of Congo you can access via Goma or Rusizi border, Burundi via Kanyaru, Tanzania visa Rusumo and then Uganda is via Katuna, Cyanika and Kagitumba (Mirama Hills) borders.