
Rwanda Gorilla Promotion Experiences

The promotional on the gorilla permits were first announced in 2020 and came into effect in March 2021. However, due to the continued low turn up of tourists in the country, discounts continue to be in place and should continue until December 31st, 2022. The Rwanda Development Board has announced gorilla permits and other discounts for different categories of travelers.

Experience promotional Rwanda gorilla permits on offer at $200 for Rwandan nationals and all East African citizens, $500 for foreign residents of Rwanda, African nationals and foreign residents in African Union community and that is a huge discount considering that the price has been $1500 each permit for all intending to take part.

The $500 cost of the gorilla permit in Rwanda for foreign residents is now even less than what it costs in Uganda where the permit now costs $700. Overtime, Rwanda has successfully positioned itself as the leading destination offering the best gorilla tours and luxury gorilla safaris experiences in Africa and these price reductions come as an incentive to jump-start tourism in Rwanda since mountain gorillas are the country’s major tourism product.

Organizations or Corporate entities were given a 10% discount on bulk purchases starting from 30 permits. Families going for gorilla trekking are entitled to a 15% discount for gorilla permits. The children must be above 15 years old.

African Union citizens who are not East Africans can purchase gorilla permits at $500. Africans who are resident outside Africa are also entitled to a gorilla permit discount of $500.

International visitors who are not African Union citizens but are traveling in a group of 100 or more, will get a gorilla permit at a promotional rate of $500. Tour operators may also be eligible for a discount of 15% for gorilla permits if their clients are doing gorilla trekking and visiting Akagera National Park.

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